Some Black & Whites…

October 22, 2013


Here are some Black & White photographs from my weekend in Downtown Los Angeles and Venice. Enjoy!

Posted in: Photography

Manchester United and the 2013 Summer Transfer Window (writing submission to the Bleacher Report)

September 4, 2013


(Lead Photograph of David Moyes) The 2013 summer transfer window has closed and left many supporters and doubters thinking but one thing; Manchester United and David Moyes were the biggest losers. I would like to assure everyone that this is not the case at all. Here are three reasons why Manchester United had a positive […]

Posted in: Sports


June 17, 2013


Last week, my wife and I traveled north to Seattle, a city that I have had my eyes on for quite some time. And I was not disappointed with my visit.  Clean air, tall trees, friendly people, and great food- this city was everything I expected and more. Here are some flicks I snapped during […]

Posted in: Experience

On The Things That Currently Bug Me

May 30, 2013


1. Instagram– The new Facebook. Everyone is either a photographer, model, make up artist, body builder, or a party animal. Everyone on Instagram toots their own horn. EVERYONE! We all need some confidence boosters once in a while. It’s healthy, but this onslaught of “selfies” quickly gets old. I’m not knocking on anyone’s hobbies. It’s […]

Friday’s Foto 05.24.13

May 24, 2013


What’s up everyone! This week’s installment of Friday’s Foto doesn’t have any particular theme. I’m just playing catch up right now. Life is transitioning from one phase to another at the moment (for the better as a few of you know) and I’ve been caught up in my own mind with thoughts and plans for […]

Posted in: Photography

Shit Happens.

May 23, 2013


Here are some words that I stumbled upon today: Shit happens. Seriously, shit fucking happens. This is not wisdom. This is a cliche. It was a cliche when cave bears were mauling cavemen. It was a cliche when Romans were nailing all and sundry to wooden crosses. It was a cliche when they gave the […]

Posted in: Philosophy

Friday’s Foto 05.10.13

May 10, 2013


First off I would like to say Feliz Dia a todas las madres de Latino America! (today is the day Latin American countries celebrate Mother’s Day) This week I took up boxing at a new boxing gym that has opened recently near my place in Van Nuys. It’s ran by Jorge “Kid Flash” Diaz, who […]

Posted in: Experience, Photography

Friday’s Foto 05.03.13

May 3, 2013


May 1 is celebrated as International Worker’s Day throughout the world. In Los Angeles, it has become a day of marches and activism. This shot was taken during a march down Broadway Ave. in Downtown Los Angeles.

Posted in: Experience, Photography

Friday’s Foto 04.26.13

April 26, 2013


Sorry about not posting a photo last Friday everyone. I just completely lost track of my days and before I knew it, it was Friday. I’m not the type to just post crap work, so I decided to make you wait a week for some photography. Hope that’s okay with you.  😉 This week I […]

Posted in: Photography, Thoughts

Friday’s Foto 04.12.13

April 12, 2013


Posted in: Photography