Browsing All Posts published on »February, 2012«

I still remember the last night I saw Mama Rosa…

February 24, 2012


…December 20, 2011 journal entry… The last night of our week-long trip to El Salvador in November 2010. We had found her in a bad state when we first arrived. I remember mom jumping out of the car and running straight to her room. I remember her screaming “Mama, mama…ya llegamos!” Mama Rosa was unresponsive, […]

The Circle Explained

February 17, 2012


“The circle got smaller, the castle got bigger.”   The Circle should be big enough so that only you fit in it. Worry only for your own health- mentally, emotionally, and physically. Focusing on yourself allows for clarity, while discarding clutter. The lines outside this circle represent Life- things that happen, modernity, events, society, commerce, […]

On The Homies…

February 8, 2012


As long as I have known my dad, he has been a person of very few words. He let his sweat do all the talking for him. I’ve never been able to talk to him or ask for his advice growing up. Much of my childhood was spent trying to prove myself, as a son […]

On Existence

February 1, 2012


There are two levels of existence; physical and non-physical. The physical is that which we can touch- such as the body- and therefore the non-physical is that which we cannot- emotions, mental thoughts, etc. Love…what IS it? Can you touch love? Does love have any actual physical properties? No it doesn’t…but would anyone doubt the […]