Friday’s Foto 05.10.13

Posted on May 10, 2013


First off I would like to say Feliz Dia a todas las madres de Latino America! (today is the day Latin American countries celebrate Mother’s Day)

This week I took up boxing at a new boxing gym that has opened recently near my place in Van Nuys. It’s ran by Jorge “Kid Flash” Diaz, who has been in the boxing world for over 21 years as a professional boxer and also as a trainer. Some career highlights include being sparring partner to Manny Pacquiao and the assistant trainer of Hall of Fame trainer Joe Goosen.

I’ve gone in to train with Kid Flash every night this week. I must say these session have been some of the most intense in my life. I can’t remember being so out of breathe and so drenched in sweat…ever! But I must say I can’t get enough of it. Kid Flash told me I would get addicted, and he was right.

I have 3 more weeks of training to go. I’m excited to see the overall results at the end of it. Here are some Instagram photos of Flash Boxing Gym.




