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My Photography Process

July 25, 2012


Today, I shall talk about my photography process: I believe the difference between an artist/photographer and one of these point and shoot people is that the latter forgets about the process, which involves more than just aiming your camera at a subject. Post production is just as essential as the act of releasing the shutter. […]

(Video) RSA Animate – The Secret Powers of Time

March 2, 2012


This week I’m going to cheat a little bit, even though I will stay on the path of provoking thought and encouraging new discussions and ideas.   This YouTube Video is about Time. Enjoy and feel free to comment. Discussions are ALWAYS encouraged! Be well everyone!

The Circle Explained

February 17, 2012


“The circle got smaller, the castle got bigger.”   The Circle should be big enough so that only you fit in it. Worry only for your own health- mentally, emotionally, and physically. Focusing on yourself allows for clarity, while discarding clutter. The lines outside this circle represent Life- things that happen, modernity, events, society, commerce, […]

On Existence

February 1, 2012


There are two levels of existence; physical and non-physical. The physical is that which we can touch- such as the body- and therefore the non-physical is that which we cannot- emotions, mental thoughts, etc. Love…what IS it? Can you touch love? Does love have any actual physical properties? No it doesn’t…but would anyone doubt the […]