Browsing All posts tagged under »color«

Friday’s Foto 05.24.13

May 24, 2013


What’s up everyone! This week’s installment of Friday’s Foto doesn’t have any particular theme. I’m just playing catch up right now. Life is transitioning from one phase to another at the moment (for the better as a few of you know) and I’ve been caught up in my own mind with thoughts and plans for […]

Friday’s Foto 04.26.13

April 26, 2013


Sorry about not posting a photo last Friday everyone. I just completely lost track of my days and before I knew it, it was Friday. I’m not the type to just post crap work, so I decided to make you wait a week for some photography. Hope that’s okay with you.  😉 This week I […]

Friday’s Foto 04.05.13

April 5, 2013


What do I love the most about Downtown Los Angeles? The history! And nowhere is the history of DTLA more evident than in its buildings. Color, texture, grandeur- every brick is part of a fascinating past. Here are some shots of buildings in the Fashion District.