Browsing All posts tagged under »life«

Some Black & Whites…

October 22, 2013


Here are some Black & White photographs from my weekend in Downtown Los Angeles and Venice. Enjoy!


June 17, 2013


Last week, my wife and I traveled north to Seattle, a city that I have had my eyes on for quite some time. And I was not disappointed with my visit.  Clean air, tall trees, friendly people, and great food- this city was everything I expected and more. Here are some flicks I snapped during […]

Shit Happens.

May 23, 2013


Here are some words that I stumbled upon today: Shit happens. Seriously, shit fucking happens. This is not wisdom. This is a cliche. It was a cliche when cave bears were mauling cavemen. It was a cliche when Romans were nailing all and sundry to wooden crosses. It was a cliche when they gave the […]

A Stephen Hawking Quote…

March 13, 2013


On the Advice He Gave His Children: “One, remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Two, never give up work. Work gives you meaning and purpose and life is empty without it. Three, if you are lucky enough to find love, remember it is there and don’t throw it […]

A Note On Perspective

February 26, 2013


“It’s ironic that we forget so often how wonderful life really is.” –Anna Quindlen Life becomes more enjoyable when we lose the expectations. Instead of focusing on the wants and the have-nots, we would tend to turn our attention towards life’s details; your wife’s beautiful eyes, your nephews captivating laugh, waking up on a Sunday […]

On Excess (Admitting To Self #2)

July 18, 2012


The first step is admitting it. For far too long I have been living in a hedonistic world of excess. Too much of everything. And it’s only served to negatively complicate my life. Too much fun. This year I had planned to go out with a big bang. I finished up grad school and got […]

thtkidkrs in SoBe

June 11, 2012


For the first time in my life I dug my toes into the white sands of South Beach and stared out at the Atlantic. The beauty of South Beach begins with the amazing landscape and scenery. Then add Cuban, Puerto Rican and Dominican zest, the best humid weather in the United States, subtract the clothes, […]

The Facebook Self Portait

May 30, 2012


When Myspace was popular, everyone called it the “Bathroom Shot;” the amateur self portrait. Dozens of shots from different angles- some from above, others from the left side, and more from the right side. Shot at arms length, and constantly taken and re-taken and posted throughout various social networking platforms. It’s especially common on Facebook. […]

“On Sports And Identity in the Modern Era” (Introduction & Brainstorm)

May 8, 2012


My grad school papers were focused on two topics; sports and technology. These topics helped me connect and understand certain aspects of my life upon which I could frame specific identities. All the research and writing I’ve done over the past couple of months has also made me appreciate more sports in general. With European […]

Running After The Train…

March 27, 2012


Monday through Friday, I ride the subway from North Hollywood to Downtown. Recently, because I have yet to fix my new bike, I try to leave my place by 7:30am. I drive to and park at the North Hollywood Metro Station. If I leave my place on time (I’ve scheduled an alarm in my phone […]