Browsing All posts tagged under »sports«

Manchester United and the 2013 Summer Transfer Window (writing submission to the Bleacher Report)

September 4, 2013


(Lead Photograph of David Moyes) The 2013 summer transfer window has closed and left many supporters and doubters thinking but one thing; Manchester United and David Moyes were the biggest losers. I would like to assure everyone that this is not the case at all. Here are three reasons why Manchester United had a positive […]

Friday’s Foto 05.10.13

May 10, 2013


First off I would like to say Feliz Dia a todas las madres de Latino America! (today is the day Latin American countries celebrate Mother’s Day) This week I took up boxing at a new boxing gym that has opened recently near my place in Van Nuys. It’s ran by Jorge “Kid Flash” Diaz, who […]

“On Sports And Identity in the Modern Era” (Introduction & Brainstorm)

May 8, 2012


My grad school papers were focused on two topics; sports and technology. These topics helped me connect and understand certain aspects of my life upon which I could frame specific identities. All the research and writing I’ve done over the past couple of months has also made me appreciate more sports in general. With European […]

Sunday Funday with the Wife

March 5, 2012


The wife and I finally had a chance to spend a whole day together. She had been bugging me about taking her to Bottega Louie in Downtown, so I decided to make it a date. With us working all week and still getting accustomed to living together, it’s rare when we get a chance to […]