Browsing All posts tagged under »thoughts«

On The Things That Currently Bug Me

May 30, 2013


1. Instagram– The new Facebook. Everyone is either a photographer, model, make up artist, body builder, or a party animal. Everyone on Instagram toots their own horn. EVERYONE! We all need some confidence boosters once in a while. It’s healthy, but this onslaught of “selfies” quickly gets old. I’m not knocking on anyone’s hobbies. It’s […]

Shit Happens.

May 23, 2013


Here are some words that I stumbled upon today: Shit happens. Seriously, shit fucking happens. This is not wisdom. This is a cliche. It was a cliche when cave bears were mauling cavemen. It was a cliche when Romans were nailing all and sundry to wooden crosses. It was a cliche when they gave the […]

Friday’s Foto 03.15.13

March 15, 2013


As aesthetically pleasing as the DTLA cityscape can be, the reality is that this area of Los Angeles is a place of despair. There have been projects to beautify and rejuvenate this town, which started with the construction of Staples Center and the surrounding LA Live dining and entertainment center and continues on with the […]

A Note On Perspective

February 26, 2013


“It’s ironic that we forget so often how wonderful life really is.” –Anna Quindlen Life becomes more enjoyable when we lose the expectations. Instead of focusing on the wants and the have-nots, we would tend to turn our attention towards life’s details; your wife’s beautiful eyes, your nephews captivating laugh, waking up on a Sunday […]

“On Sports And Identity in the Modern Era” (Introduction & Brainstorm)

May 8, 2012


My grad school papers were focused on two topics; sports and technology. These topics helped me connect and understand certain aspects of my life upon which I could frame specific identities. All the research and writing I’ve done over the past couple of months has also made me appreciate more sports in general. With European […]

On Legacy…

April 18, 2012


This morning I read a blog about a sports fan who passed away in Washington, D.C. (HERE’S THE LINK:  It reminded me about an important idea that came up in my Humanities cohort last year. Human beings are terrified to talk about death. But why? Death is a part of Life. One thing that […]

The Circle Explained

February 17, 2012


“The circle got smaller, the castle got bigger.”   The Circle should be big enough so that only you fit in it. Worry only for your own health- mentally, emotionally, and physically. Focusing on yourself allows for clarity, while discarding clutter. The lines outside this circle represent Life- things that happen, modernity, events, society, commerce, […]

On Existence

February 1, 2012


There are two levels of existence; physical and non-physical. The physical is that which we can touch- such as the body- and therefore the non-physical is that which we cannot- emotions, mental thoughts, etc. Love…what IS it? Can you touch love? Does love have any actual physical properties? No it doesn’t…but would anyone doubt the […]